Announcing The Node.js Application Showcase

2 min readJan 16, 2018


The stats around Node.js are pretty staggering. There were 25 million downloads of Node.js in 2017, with over one million of them happening on a single day. And these stats are just the users. On the community side, the numbers are equally exceptional.

What explains this immense popularity? What we hear over and over is that, because Node.js is JavaScript, anyone who knows JS can apply that knowledge to build powerful apps — every kind of app. Node.js empowers everyone from hobbyists to the largest enterprise teams to bring their dreams to life faster than ever before.

The Node.js Foundation is proud to play a role in this incredible ecosystem. In addition to providing the vendor-neutral home for the development of Node.js, the Foundation offers a platform for developers to tell the world about their creations. Examples of this include case studies, enterprise conversations and the Node.js Collection.

Today we are excited to unveil our newest program showcase the amazingness that Node.js enables and the amazing people doing this work.

The Node.js Application Showcase lists a variety of projects and products built with Node.js. It is sortable by development status (in development, in beta, in production), application type and by the other technology used. When clicked, each application “tile” reveals a short description of the app, its intended users, how the app helps them and how Node.js helped the app’s creator.

The program is open to anyone, anywhere via this simple form. We do our best to keep up with submissions and are adding apps weekly. Please be sure to check back to see what’s new. And please help us spread the word.

If you have thoughts for how we can improve either the form or the showcase, please let us know. We’ll do our best to accommodate all the suggestions.




Node.js is a collaborative open source project dedicated to building and supporting the Node.js platform.